LWV of Hamptons, Shelter Island and the North Fork Logo
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN | RENEWLWV MEMBER PORTALDONATE
LWV of Hamptons, Shelter Island and the North Fork Logo
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN | RENEWLWV MEMBER PORTALDONATE

Candidate Debates: NYS Senate and NYS Assembly

Debate between the candidates for NYS Senate: Anthony H. Palumbo and Skyler Q. Johnson III and the candidates for NYS Assembly: Peter G. Ganley and Fred W. Thiele Jr.  View […]

No Board of Directors Meeting

The Board of Directors meeting that would normally meet at this time is cancelled.  Necessary Board action will take place at the Board of Directors Retreat on Nobember 12.

LWVH/SI/NF Board of Directors Retreat

The Board of Directors will meet at the Southampton library to discuss the future of our League, including such topics as developing leadership, increasing membership and encouraging member involvement. Lunch will be served.

LWVH/SI/NF Board Meeting

The LWVH/SI/NF Board will meet by Zoom on Wednesday, December 7th at 4 PM.  Zoom info to be sent to Board members.

Holiday Party

Unitarian Universalist Congregation 977 Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Turnpike, Bridgehampton, NY 11932

The LWVH/SI/NF will be hosting a holiday party on Tuesday, December 13th from 5-7 PM at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation on the Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Turnpike.  Join us to enjoy good food, drink and company and to participate in our silent auction.  There is no charge but a donation is suggested to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation […]

Program Planning Meeting

All members are invited to participate in our Program Panning Meeting.  The agenda for the meeting is to discuss and make recommendations for our program priorities for the year.  The […]

LWVH/SI/NF Board of Directors Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting of the Board of Directors at 4:00 pm https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2734751780?pwd=WDFMZnFIQ3VudDhTTDVEaWw5YXFoZz09

A Salute to Nursing, Past and Present

Rogers Memorial Library

A panel discussion moderated by Valerie King, Chair of the Healh Committee of the League of Women Voters of the Hamptons, Shelter Island and the North Fork.  The event will […]


Gardiner's Bay Country Club 12 Dinah Rock Road, Shelter Island, NY

State of the Town Luncheon. Event Cancelled.  Refunds will be to those who already paid.


Shelter Island Primary Debate

Shelter Island Library

The League of Women Voters of the Hamptons, Shelter Island and the North Fork is sponsoring a debate for the candidates in the Shelter Island Promary Election on June 4, […]

Bridgehampton Tour

Tour Bridge Gardens, the Nathaniel Roger House Museum, the Bridgehamton Child Care and Recreation Center and enjoy ice cream treats at the Candy Kitchen.  $40 Fee: make out check to […]