LWV of Hamptons, Shelter Island and the North Fork Logo
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOINDONATE
LWV of Hamptons, Shelter Island and the North Fork Logo
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOINDONATE
Photo of League Group Marches in Southampton’s July 4th Parade
Photo of LWVHSINF celebration for NYS League's 100th Anniversary
Photo of East End high school girls participating in running and winning progrram  League education foundation
Photo of LWVHSINF Harborfest 2022 for Voting
League Photo of participants in Running and Winning  program 2022
League Marches in Southampton’s July 4th Parade
Celebration of the 100th Anniversary for LWVNYS
East End HS Girls Participate in Running and Winning Program
Providing voter information at Harborfest
Running and Winning 2022
Running and Winning 2022
Annual Meeting 2023 Speaker2

Recognition of 2023 Annual Meeting speaker: Yvette DeBow-Salsedo, VP of the Peconic Land Trust

Annual Meeting 2023 Desch Award3
Martha Potter presenting the 2023 Betty Desch Scholarship Award to Miachesca Gangemi
Annual Meeting 2023 Catt Award3
Presentation of red Susan B. Anthony shawl to Carrie Chapman Catt Award winner Valerie Levenstein
Valerie King's presentation at the Public Information Meeting on Nursing
Hampton Bays King Kullen

Voter Registration Day at King Kullen in Hampton Bays

Winter Soltice Anne Eileen Beth Mary
Anne Marshall, Eileen Mercer, Beth Barth and Mary O'Brien at the Winter Solstice Get-together
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Coming Events


August 7: Board of Directors Meeting

September 24: Public Information Meeting on Misinformation, Disinformation and Fake News


Voting Information

Dates, Registration & Absentee Ballots

Directory of Public Officials

They Represent You!