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LWV of Hamptons, Shelter Island and the North Fork Logo
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN | RENEWLWV MEMBER PORTALDONATE

Special Events Committee

Special Events Committee

Contact Name:
Inactive at this time
Contact Number: (631) 283-9648
Contact: Please fill out the Contact Special Events Committee form at the bottom of this page.


The Special Events committee does much more than plan fundraising activities. It also seeks to raise LWVH’s visibility in our communities by providing a diverse range of enjoyable activities open to members and non-members.

For example, our annual Autumn Luncheon and Fundraiser combines getting together with new and old friends, local officials and prospective members with the opportunity to have fun and raise money.

LWVH Special Events Committee Tour of the Sylvester Manorr
Our most successful fundraiser-event yet: a tour of the historic Sylvester Manor. Here, the guitarist is an 11th generation Sylvester!
LWVH Special Events Comittee
The Sag Harbor tour was fun and informative!


We rely on dues and donations to support our programs. If you would like to help us, please consider a Donation or Joining.

Contact Special Events Committee