LWVH/SI/NF Board of Directors Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting of the Board of Directors at 4:00 pm https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2734751780?pwd=WDFMZnFIQ3VudDhTTDVEaWw5YXFoZz09
Join Zoom Meeting of the Board of Directors at 4:00 pm https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2734751780?pwd=WDFMZnFIQ3VudDhTTDVEaWw5YXFoZz09
A panel discussion moderated by Valerie King, Chair of the Healh Committee of the League of Women Voters of the Hamptons, Shelter Island and the North Fork. The event will take place at Rogers Memorial Library, 91 Coopers Farm Road, Southampton, NY.
State of the Town Luncheon. Event Cancelled. Refunds will be to those who already paid.
The League of Women Voters of the Hamptons, Shelter Island and the North Fork is sponsoring a debate for the candidates in the Shelter Island Promary Election on June 4, […]
Tour Bridge Gardens, the Nathaniel Roger House Museum, the Bridgehamton Child Care and Recreation Center and enjoy ice cream treats at the Candy Kitchen. $40 Fee: make out check to […]
There will be no Board Meeting in July.
Zoom log on to be sentprior to the meeting.
This meeting will be via Zoom
We will be distributing voter information at a table at Sag Harbor's Harborfest. For more information, contact Neil Cohen.
The Sustainability Committee has invited Lynn Arthur to speak on Community Choice Aggregation and Solar at a Public Infromatin Meeting at the Bridgehamton Library. All are invited.
We will participate in the East Hampton 375th Birthday parade. For more information contact Arlene Hinkemeyer.