LWV of Hamptons, Shelter Island and the North Fork Logo
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN | RENEWLWV MEMBER PORTALDONATE
LWV of Hamptons, Shelter Island and the North Fork Logo
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN | RENEWLWV MEMBER PORTALDONATE

Membership Committee

Membership Committee

Contact Name:
Afton DiSunno
Contact: Please fill out the Contact Membership Committee form at the bottom of this page.


If you like to meet new people and welcome back friends, join the Membership Committee. It provides a presence at general meetings, debates and community and special events.

This committee is also responsible for:

  • Recruit new members
  • Spread word about League’s activities
  • Maintain internal records re: Member status & Contact information

The committee organizes events throughout the year, including a “Winter Blahs Luncheon” to warm and cheer those who remain in the Hamptons during the winter months.

Winter Blahs Luncheon

LWVH Winter Blahs Luncheon
Before Covid, events like February “Winter Blahs Luncheon” warmed and cheered year-round residents.

All smiles, Julia Kayser (standing) organized the event. Also shown: Judy Samuelson, Gladys Remler and a friend.





Support the League

We rely on dues and donations to support our programs. If you would like to help us, please consider a Donation or Joining.

Contact Membership Committee