LWV of Hamptons, Shelter Island and the North Fork Logo
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN | RENEWLWV MEMBER PORTALDONATE
LWV of Hamptons, Shelter Island and the North Fork Logo
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOIN | RENEWLWV MEMBER PORTALDONATE


Our League Committees

Our committees provide an opportunity to get involved in working on issues in which you’re already interested or to explore a new interest, e.g., the environment, affordable housing, health resources, et. al.  Joining a committee is voluntary but we do most of our work in committees and joining a committee is the best way of getting involved in our work.  Joining a committee provides an opportunity to work with informed, like-minded individuals and the knowledge that you are contributing to your community.

View our LWV Hamptons Brochure for a brief description of all our Committees.


Youth committee logo


Youth Committee


Health Committee logo


Health Committee


Government Committee Logo


Government Committee


Membership Committee Logo


Membership Committee


Sustainability Committee Logo


Sustainability Committee


Voter Services Committee Logo


Voter Services Committee


Committee Heads

  • Advertising Manager: Cathy Peacock
  • Youth: Dale Grant, Terese Wildrick
  • Health: Valerie King
  • Government: Cathy Kenny
  • Membership: Afton DiSunno
  • Publicity: Arlene Hinkemeyer
  • Special Events: Inactive at this time
  • Sustainability: Terese Wildrick
  • The Voter: Eva Moore, Editor
  • The Voter Design/Production Head: Bruce McGowan
  • Voter Services: Neil Cohen
  • Webmaster: Estelle Gellman